Awesome CSS Features That We All Need Now

Reading time: 6 minutes.

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is the cornerstone technology used for the visual presentation of web pages. It allows developers to create visually appealing designs, control layout, and manage responsiveness. Despite the numerous advancements in CSS over the years, there are still several features that developers often find themselves wishing for. This article explores some of the missing CSS features that would significantly enhance the styling capabilities and ease of use for web developers.

Missing CSS Features

1. Parent Selectors

One of the most requested features in CSS is the parent selector. Currently, CSS allows for selecting child elements based on their parent, but not the other way around. This limitation often forces developers to rely on JavaScript to apply styles based on the properties of child elements.

Use Case

Consider a situation where you want to style a parent element based on whether it contains a certain child element. For example, highlighting a menu item if one of its sub-items is active. With a parent selector, this could be achieved purely with CSS.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for a parent selector */
li:has(> {
    background-color: #f0f0f0;

2. Container Queries

Container queries, similar to media queries, allow styling elements based on the size of their parent container rather than the viewport. This feature would be a game-changer for responsive design, providing more granular control over component-based designs.

Use Case

Imagine designing a component that needs to adapt its layout based on the size of its container. Container queries would enable developers to create more flexible, reusable components without relying on media queries that respond to the viewport size.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for container queries */
@container (min-width: 500px) {
    .card {
        display: flex;

3. Native CSS Variables for Media Queries

CSS variables (custom properties) have been a great addition, allowing for dynamic and reusable values. However, these variables cannot be used directly within media queries, limiting their usefulness for responsive design.

Use Case

If CSS variables could be used within media queries, it would simplify the management of responsive design breakpoints, making the codebase more maintainable.

cssCopy code:root {
    --main-breakpoint: 768px;

@media (min-width: var(--main-breakpoint)) {
    .container {
        display: flex;

4. Improved CSS Grid Features

CSS Grid has revolutionized layout design, but there are still areas where it could be improved. Features like subgrid, which allows a grid item to inherit the grid definition of its parent, are steps in the right direction but are not yet fully supported across all browsers.

Use Case

Subgrid allows for more complex layouts without duplicating grid definitions, making it easier to manage nested grids and maintain consistency.

cssCopy code/* Using subgrid to inherit the parent's grid */
.grid-container {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

.grid-item {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-rows: subgrid;

5. Logical Properties and Values

CSS logical properties and values are designed to provide a way to define styles based on the logical structure of a document rather than physical dimensions. While these properties are being gradually adopted, there is still a lack of comprehensive support and awareness.

Use Case

Logical properties simplify the process of creating styles that adapt to different writing modes, making it easier to support internationalization and right-to-left languages.

cssCopy code/* Logical properties for padding */
.element {
    padding-inline-start: 1rem;
    padding-inline-end: 1rem;

6. Element Queries

Element queries would extend the concept of media queries to individual elements, allowing styles to be applied based on the characteristics of the element itself, such as its width or height.

Use Case

This feature would be particularly useful for designing components that need to adapt based on their own size, independent of the viewport or parent container.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for element queries */
.element:width(> 500px) {
    background-color: lightblue;

7. CSS Nesting

CSS Nesting would allow for a more readable and maintainable way to write styles by nesting CSS rules within each other, similar to preprocessor languages like SCSS.

Use Case

Nesting can significantly reduce the verbosity of CSS, making it easier to understand the relationship between styles and their corresponding HTML structure.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for CSS nesting */
.nav {
    background-color: #333;

    .nav-item {
        color: #fff;

        &:hover {
            color: #ccc;

8. Native Masonry Layout

Creating masonry layouts (layouts with varying column heights) currently requires a combination of JavaScript and CSS or using a third-party library. A native CSS solution would simplify this process.

Use Case

A native masonry layout feature would allow developers to create complex, Pinterest-style layouts with pure CSS, improving performance and simplifying the codebase.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for a native masonry layout */
.masonry {
    display: masonry;
    masonry-gap: 1rem;

9. Color Functions and Better Color Management

CSS lacks comprehensive tools for color manipulation. Functions to adjust brightness, contrast, or even generate color palettes would be highly beneficial.

Use Case

Enhanced color functions would enable developers to create more dynamic and visually cohesive designs without relying on external tools or pre-processors.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for color functions */
.element {
    background-color: color-mod(var(--primary-color) lightness(50%));

10. Custom Fonts with Variable Axes

While variable fonts are supported, the ability to dynamically manipulate font properties (like weight, width, and optical size) through CSS is still limited.

Use Case

Full control over variable font axes would allow for more sophisticated typographic designs, adapting font properties dynamically based on the context.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for controlling variable font axes */
.element {
    font-variation-settings: 'wght' 700, 'wdth' 75;

11. Scoped Styles

Scoped styles would allow CSS rules to apply only to a specific component or section of the document, preventing unintended side effects.

Use Case

Scoped styles would be incredibly useful in large applications or when integrating third-party components, ensuring that styles do not leak or conflict with other parts of the application.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for scoped styles */
:scope(.component) {
    .button {
        background-color: blue;

12. Enhanced Pseudo-Class and Pseudo-Element Capabilities

Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements are powerful, but their capabilities are somewhat limited. Enhancing these features could unlock new possibilities for styling and interaction.

Use Case

New pseudo-classes for targeting elements based on state or attribute values could simplify complex styling scenarios without relying on JavaScript.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical new pseudo-classes */
input:valid-value {
    border-color: green;

13. Responsive Typography

While there are techniques for responsive typography, such as using vw units or media queries, a native solution would be more straightforward and robust.

Use Case

Responsive typography features would allow text to scale gracefully across different screen sizes without complex calculations or additional JavaScript.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for responsive typography */
h1 {
    font-size: responsive(24px, 36px);

14. Better Animation Controls

CSS animations have improved, but more fine-grained control over animation timelines, states, and events would be welcomed.

Use Case

Enhanced animation controls would enable more sophisticated and performance-efficient animations, reducing the need for JavaScript-driven animations.

cssCopy code/* Hypothetical syntax for enhanced animation controls */
@keyframes example {
    0% {
        opacity: 0;
    50% {
        opacity: 1;
    100% {
        opacity: 0.5;

.element {
    animation: example 3s ease-in-out;
    animation-iteration-count: 2;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;

15. Smoother Integration with JavaScript

Currently, integrating CSS with JavaScript, particularly for dynamic styles and custom properties, can be cumbersome. A more seamless approach would be highly beneficial.

Use Case

Better integration would allow for more dynamic and interactive user interfaces, leveraging the power of both CSS and JavaScript without the overhead of extensive manual coding.

cssCopy code/* Example of integrating CSS with JavaScript */'--dynamic-color', 'blue');

.element {
    background-color: var(--dynamic-color);


While CSS has come a long way since its inception, there is always room for improvement. The features discussed in this article highlight some of the most desired capabilities that would make CSS even more powerful and developer-friendly. By addressing these gaps, the future of web design and development could become more efficient, intuitive, and visually stunning.

The evolution of CSS is driven by the needs and creativity of the web development community. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible on the web, the addition of these missing features could unlock new levels of design sophistication and interactivity. Until then, developers will continue to innovate and find creative solutions to overcome these limitations, eagerly anticipating the day when these enhancements become a reality in the world of CSS.

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